Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: Transactional Flaws

Yesterday, I wrote about What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: Discover the 20 Workplace Habits You Need to Break by Marshall Goldsmith and said:
I found the list of “transactional flaws” so interesting that I really want to share it with you all, but I’d be spoiling the book for you if I did that and this book is fantastic and really worth reading. I’d hate to rob you of that experience.

Well, I've had so many request to share them that I realized the least I could do is point you to the URL on author's website where you can find the list of transactional flaws. So here ya go, click here to read Marshall Goldsmith's list of 20 transactional flaws that cause interpersonal issues and may prevent us from reaching our personal and professional goals.

I don't know about you but I am absolutely guilty of 60% of these flaws at least some of the time.

Number 17, failing to express gratitude, Number 10, failing to give proper recognition, Number 11, claiming credit that we don't deserve, are three of the flaws that I very rarely commit. I go out of my way to thank people and recognize their efforts, both privately and publicly, and I enjoy giving credit where it's due. In fact, I probably give too much credit in an effort to prevent committing this flaw.

Similarly, Number 18, punishing the messenger, Number 15, refusing to express regret, Number 12, making excuses, and Number 13, clinging to the past, and are flaws I'd like to believe that I seldom commit. I try my best not to blame people and I'd like to believe that I take full responsibility -- publicly if necessary -- for my actions (and do so without deflecting blame to the past), though I'm sure I could improve.

Number 1, winning too much, I don't do too often either. I'm pretty much anti-competitive so while I like to do well compared to my own internal standards, I generally don't feel a need to "win." Same goes for Number 19, passing the buck, and Number 20, an excessive need to be "me." I try to work on my faults, and realize that I'm still a long way from fixing them all, but I certainly try not to claim that my faults are just part of who I am, take it or leave it. is the same.

Number 4, making destructive comments, and Number 8, negativity, or “let me explain why that won’t work," I'd like to believe are not part of my modus operandi though I would guess that unfortunately my desire to find the truth can sometimes come off as a "let me explain why that won't work" kind of attitude.

Number 9, withholding information, and Number 16, not listening, just sound totally ludicrous to me! I believe that people have these flaws but would like to believe that I am not among those people.

Number 2, adding too much value, I commit frequently. I try to refrain from providing advice unless I am asked, but when I am asked I probably give more advice than is necessary. Number 5, starting with “no” “but,” or “however, I absolutely do all too frequently. I hadn't realized until reading this book how destructive this can be, even with the best of intentions.

Number 6, telling the world how smart we are, I probably do commit more frequently than I should. I can think of several occasions when I've said something and then immediately realized how arrogant I probably sounded.

Number 14, playing favorites, and Number 3, passing judgment, I want to believe I don't commit but I know that I do. No matter how "fair" we all like to think we are, we subconsciously if not consciously continually pass judgments play favorites. I absolutely need to work on these flaws.

Number 7, speaking when angry, I certainly do in personal situations though I would like to believe that I very rarely commit this flaw in professional situations. Still, I could stand to work on this.


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