Saturday, August 23, 2008

Labyrinths for the Spirit by Jim Buchanan

Do you like labyrinths? Or meditative natural spaces? Then you'll love this book I just flipped through -- Labyrinths for the Spirit: How to create your own labyrinths for meditation and enlightenment by Jim Buchanan.

Here's the product description provided by Gaia Press, the publisher:
"By moving in a focused and directed way through the labyrinth, we begin to relax, and our sixth sense becomes heightened." That's how the author, a renowned labyrinth-maker and "land artist," describes the effect of walking the traditional and contemporary labyrinths explored here. Examples range from classic Greek and medieval designs to patterns used in Native American basketry, as well as the author's distinctive creations, which push the boundaries of the form. Connecting the spiritual aspects of walking the labyrinth to the creative act of construction, the guide offers illustrated instructions for making more than 20 different labyrinths, with suggestions on how to choose the site and the materials that best enhance the symbolic power of the completed work.

Seems like a must-have book if you plan on building large labyrinths of any kind -- it even includes plans on building a medieval Chartres type labyrinth which incorporates complex numerology, having deep significance for its walkers.

I think I've got about all I can handle with my garden, so while I won't be making a labyrinth in my backyard I would love to hear about your plans!


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