Friday, May 27, 2011

Nautilus and Rememberance

I came across the website for the Northern Michigan University School of Art and Design and fell in love with these two pieces:

Nautilus by Alicia Bastian

Rememberance by Mitch Steinmetz

The Nautlius was designed to be a cherished family heirloom that, with its ascending pattern representing a reader's growth in age and advancement in personal knowledge like markings of a child’s height on the wall. The ascending shelves also symbolize the pursuit of lifelonog learning. In linear form, Nautilus acts as a whimsical room divider; but when closed, Nautilus’s circular form becomes an adapted reading sanctuary.

Remembrance combines the social interaction of family gatherings (like a coffee table) with the nostalgia and enjoyment of remembering the past (like a photo album). Instead of acting as a facilitator for a user's  entertainment, Remembrance can be the source of entertainment while simultaneously creating new memories and cataloguing and cherishing old ones.

Doesn't the Nautilus look so inviting? And I love the idea of having what looks like a giant photo album as a coffee table.

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